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The following listing shows which marriage records are held by the Lancashire register offices, and the years covered so far by the indexes on this web-site. There are separate tables for:

This page will be updated each time new records are added to the database, and recent additions will also be indicated on the Updates page.

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Burnley Marriage Coverage Last updated 20 Nov 2024

Church of England Marriages

Church or ChapelYears
Registers atCodeYears indexed
Barnoldswick, Holy Trinity 1950 Preston CE133  
Barnoldswick, St Mary-le-Gill 1837 Preston CE134 1837-1986
Barrowford, St Thomas 1844 Preston CE113 1844-1983
Bracewell, St Michael 1837 Preston CE135 1837-1986
Briercliffe, St James 1843 Preston CE114 1843-1983
Brierfield, St Luke 1873 Preston CE115 1873-1980
Burnley St Alban (St Paul) 1853 Preston CE112 1853-1981
Burnley, Holy Trinity 1837 Preston CE104 1837-1988
Burnley, St Andrew 1869 Preston CE107 1869-1980
Burnley, St Catherine 1897 Preston CE108 1897-1913
Burnley, St Cuthbert 1908 Preston CE109 1956-1982
Burnley, St James 1849 Preston CE110 1849-1993
Burnley, St Margaret 1898 Preston CE138 1898-1968
Burnley, St Mark 1956 Preston CE106 1956-1990
Burnley, St Matthew the Apostle 1880 Preston CE105 1880-1983
Burnley, St Peter 1837 Preston CE111 1837-1977
Burnley, St Stephen 1879 Preston CE101 1879-1986
Colne, Christ Church 1839 Preston CE116 1839-1982
Colne, Holy Trinity 1913 Preston CE117 1913-2003
Colne, St Bartholomew 1837 Preston CE118 1837-1982
Earby, All Saints 1923 Preston CE136 1923-1982
Fence, St Anne 1838 Preston CE119 1838-1982
Foulridge, St Michael & All Angles 1905 Preston CE120 1905-1982
Gannow, St John the Baptist 1880 Preston CE102 1880-1982
Great Marsden, St John the Evangelist 1849 Preston CE123 1849-1982
Habergham Eaves, All Saints 1849 Preston CE103 1849-1990
Hapton, St Margaret 1937 Preston CE132 1937-1982
Holme in Cliviger, St John the Divine 1839 Preston CE122 1839-1982
Kelbrook, St Mary 1869 Preston CE137 1869-1970
Little Marsden, St Paul 1839 Preston CE124 1839-1982
Nelson, St Bedes 1930 Preston CE125 1930-1984
Nelson, St Mary 1879 Preston CE126 1879-1957
Nelson, St Philip 1902 Preston CE127 1902-1980
Newchurch in Pendle, St Mary 1837 Preston CE128 1837-1976
Padiham, St Leonard 1837 Preston CE129 1837-1982
Trawden, St Mary the Virgin 1849 Preston CE130 1846-1982
Worsthorne, St John Evangelist 1843 Preston CE131 1843-1982

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Civil Marriages

Register OfficeYears
Registers atCodeYears indexed
Burnley 1936 Burnley BRM 1936-1974
Burnley 1837 Burnley BU 1837-1936
Nelson 1936 Burnley NRM 1936-1974

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Authorised Person Marriages

Church or ChapelYears
Registers atCodeYears indexed
Barley Green, Methodist Church 1921 Preston AP276 1921-2015
Barnoldswick, Baptist Church Centre (Manchester Rd) 1915 Preston AP281 1915-1982
Barnoldswick, Bethesda Chapel 1903 Preston CL=JA 1903-1974
Barnoldswick, Independent Methodist Chapel 1921 Preston AP268 1921-1982
Barnoldswick, Methodist Church 1933 Preston CL=MA 1933-1963
Barnoldswick, Primitive Methodist Chapel (Station Rd) 1913 Preston CL=LA 1913-1964
Barnoldswick, St Andrews Methodist Church (Mosley St) 1920 Preston AP291 1920-1981
Barnoldswick, United Reformed Congregational Church (Gisburn Rd) 1930 Preston CL=KB 1930-1981
Barrowford, Congregational Church (Hill Top) 1914 Preston CL=GA 1914-1946
Barrowford, Higherford Methodist Church 1908 Preston AP257 1908-1982
Barrowford, SS Peter & Pauls Oratory (Gisburn Rd) 1982 Preston AP320 1982
Barrowford, Zion Chapel (Church St) Closed Church 1903 Preston CL=I 1903-1955
Briercliffe, Ebenezer Chapel (Halifax Rd) 1920 Preston AP264 1920-1981
Briercliffe, Haggate Baptist Chapel 1953 Preston AP250 1953-1984
Brierfield, Baptist Chapel (Burnley Rd) 1962 Preston AP259 1962-1971
Brierfield, Congregational Church (Colne Rd) 1914 Preston AP256 1914-1984
Brierfield, Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Richard St) 1976 Preston AP302 1976-2001
Brierfield, Methodist Chapel (Colne Rd) 1908 Preston AP244 1908-1980
Brierfield, Methodist Chapel, Burnley Rd (formerly Primitive Methodistl Chapel 1920 Preston CL=U 1920-1955
Burnley, Aenon Chapel (Red Lion St) 1899 Preston AP239 1899-1987
Burnley, Baptist Chapel (Angle St) 1969 Preston CL=GB 1969-1971
Burnley, Bethel Methodist Chapel (Hammelton St) 1923 Preston CL=OA 1923-1932
Burnley, Brunshaw Methodist Church 1962 Preston AP285 1962-2007
Burnley, Brunswick Chapel (Manchester Rd) 1942 Preston CL=PA 1942-1962
Burnley, Central Methodist Church (Hargreaves St) 1968 Preston AP293 1968-1978
Burnley, Ebenezer Chapel (Colne Rd) 1909 Preston AP238 1909-1972
Burnley, Elim Methodist Chapel (Briercliffe Rd) 1915 Preston AP265 1915-1975
Burnley, Fulledge Methodist Chapel (Todmoreden Rd) 1902 Preston CL=QA 1902-1959
Burnley, Hanover United Methodist Church (Old Hall St) 1910 Preston CL=RA 1910-1958
Burnley, Harke Syke Methodist Chapel (Briercliffe Rd) 1945 Preston CL=PB 1945-1973
Burnley, Ightenhill Methodist Church 1928 Preston AP272 1928-1982
Burnley, Immanuel Baptist Chapel (Bright St) 1910 Preston CL=JB 1910-1970
Burnley, Kingdom Hall 1966 Preston AP296 1966-1983
Burnley, Methodist Chapel (Colne Rd) 1903 Preston AP292 1903-1982
Burnley, Methodist Church (Manchester Rd) 1932 Preston CL=TA 1932-1970
Burnley, Methodist Church (Stoneyholme) 1933 Preston CL=UA 1933-1965
Burnley, Methodist School Chapel (Lowerhouse) 1910 Preston AP267 1910-1982
Burnley, Mount Olivet Baptist Church (Broughton St) 1970 Preston AP263 1970-1984
Burnley, Mount Pleasant Baptist Chapel (Hammelton St) 1969 Preston AP245 1969-1977
Burnley, Mount Zion Methodist Chapel (Colne Rd) 1935 Preston CL=VA 1935-1937
Burnley, New Church 1982 Preston AP319 1982
Burnley, Parkside Methodist Church (Cog Lane) 1972 Preston AP284 1972-1993
Burnley, Queensgate Pentecostal Church (Colne Rd) 1982 Preston AP317 1982
Burnley, Rehoboth School Chapel (Springfield Rd) 1952 Preston CL=FB 1952-1961
Burnley, Rosegrove Congregational Church (Owen St) 1913 Preston CL=XA 1909-1947
Burnley, Rosegrove Methodist Church (Gannow Lane) 1914 Preston CL=OB 1914-1982
Burnley, Sion Baptist Church (Church St) 1964 Preston AP288 1964-1984
Burnley, Sion Sunday School Chapel 1954 Preston CL=CB 1954-1960
Burnley, St Augustine's Church (Lowerhouse Lane) 1972 Preston AP289 1972-1976
Burnley, St John's (Ivy St) 1981 Preston AP311 1981-1982
Burnley, St Mary Magdalene RC Church (Cawthorpe Rd) 1980 Preston AP305 1980-1985
Burnley, St Mary's Catholic Church (Yorkshire St) 1981 Preston AP313 1981-1984
Burnley, St May's Catholic Church (Yorkshire St) 1941 Preston CL=BB 1941-1955
Burnley, St Saviour Protestant Church 1913 Preston CL=ZA 1913-1968
Burnley, St Theresa's of the Infant Jesus 1981 Preston AP315 1981-1982
Burnley, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 1970 Preston AP297 1970-1987
Burnley, Towneley Methodist Church 1912 Preston AP252 1912-1982
Burnley, United Methodist Church (Claremont St) 1904 Preston CL=SA 1909-1961
Burnley, United Reform Church 1915 Preston AP251 1915-1982
Burnley, United Reformed Church (formerly Congregational Church, Hollingreave Rd) 1910 Preston CL=S 1910-1979
Burnley, United Reformed Church (Manchester Rd formerly Salem Chapel) 1911 Preston CL=AB 1911-1918
Burnley, United Reformed Church (Manchester Rd, formerly Congregational Chapel) 1909 Preston CL=W 1909-1972
Burnley, Wesley Chapel 1932 Preston CL=DB 1932-1965
Burnley, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (Queensgate) 1915 Preston CL=YA 1915-1968
Burnley, Westgate Congregational Chapel 1909 Preston CL=EB 1909-1968
Burnley, Westhill Methodist Church (Accrington Rd) 1932 Preston CL=NA 1932-1967
Cliviger, Methodist Chapel (Mereclough) 1907 Preston CL=X 1907-1965
Cliviger, Mount Zion Independent Methodist Chapel (Walk Mill) 1962 Preston AP279 1962-1989
Colne, Baptist Chapel (East Parade) 1928 Preston AP253 1928-1967
Colne, Catholic Church (Queen St) 1981 Preston AP314 1981-1982
Colne, Congregational Church (Dockray St) 1962 Preston CL=HA  
Colne, Ebenezer Chapel (Skipton Rd) Closed Church 1902 Preston CL=B 1902-1961
Colne, Inghamite Church (Ludgate Circus) Closed Church 1910 Preston CL=F 1910-1947
Colne, Inghamite School Chapel (Cotton Tree) 1902 Preston AP269 1902-1969
Colne, Methodist Mission Scholl (Langroyd Rd) 1910 Preston AP258 1910-1974
Colne, Methodist School Chapel (Collingwood St) Closed Church 1910 Preston CL=E 1910-1959
Colne, Methodist School Chapel (Cotton Tree) 1938 Preston AP262 1938-2005
Colne, Mount Zion Chapel (Exchange St) 1899 Preston CL=V 1899-1951
Colne, Providence Independent Methodist Church (Albert Rd) 1981 Preston AP312 1981-1984
Colne, St John's Methodist Church (Albert Rd) 1905 Preston AP294 1900-1980
Colne, The Church of the Nazarene (Colne Lane) Closed Church 1966 Preston CL=H 1966-1969
Colne, The Methodist Chapel (Bunkers Hill Closed Church 1936 Preston CL=G 1936-1971
Colne, Unitarians Free Christian Church (Byron Rd) Closed Church 1977 Preston CL=D 1977-1979
Colne, Unitarians Free Christian Church (Byron Rd) Closed Church 1958 Preston CL=C 1958-1974
Colne, Wesleyan Chapel (Laneshaw Bridge) 1913 Preston AP277 1913-1977
Dunnockshaw, Clowbridge Baptist 1904 Preston CL=R 1904-1962
Earby, Methodist Church (George St) 1940 Preston CL=IA 1940-1966
Earby, Mount Zion 1920 Preston AP243 1920-1977
Earby, St Peter's Methodist Church (Riley St) 1920 Preston AP286 1920-1979
Foulridge, Methodist Chapel 1910 Preston CL=NB 1910-1982
Foulridge, Methodist Chapel (Mount Pleasant) 1932 Preston AP278 1932-1990
Hapton, Methodist Chapel 1912 Preston AP255 1912-1976
Higham, Methodist Chapel Closed Church 1906 Preston CL=M 1906-1970
Kelbrook, Bethel Methodist Chapel 1935 Preston CL=MB 1935-1971
Nelson, Assembly of God (Larch St) Closed Church 1969 Preston CL=N 1969-1970
Nelson, Baptist Chapel (Woodlands Rd) 1927 Preston AP273 1927-1977
Nelson, Baptist Church (Carr Rd) 1928 Preston AP295 1928-1992
Nelson, Bradley Hall Methodist Chapel (Leeds Rd) Closed Church 1908 Preston CL=Q 1908-1959
Nelson, Central Gospel Mission Hall 1982 Preston AP316 1982
Nelson, Central Methodist Church (Carr Rd) 1908 Preston AP248 1908-1975
Nelson, Elim Pentecostal Church (Bradley Road West) 1982 Preston CL=SB 1982
Nelson, Holy Saviours Catholic Church (Bradley Hall Rd) 1982 Preston AP318 1982-1983
Nelson, Independent Methodist Church (Netherfield Rd) 1982 Preston AP327 1982
Nelson, Kingdom Hall 1981 Preston CL=TC  
Nelson, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Closed Church 1969 Preston AP290 1969-1981
Nelson, Methodist Chapel 1971 Preston AP240 1971-2015
Nelson, Methodist Chapel (Cooper St) 1917 Preston CL=LB 1917-1973
Nelson, Methodist Chapel (Temple St) 1908 Preston AP274 1954-1997
Nelson, Methodist Church (Netherfield Rd) 1925 Preston CL=Y 1925-1935
Nelson, Methodist Church (Regent St) 1943 Preston CL=CA 1943-1961
Nelson, Methodist Church (Stanley St) 1933 Preston CL=BA 1933-1946
Nelson, Salem 1981 Preston CL=RB 1975-1985
Nelson, Salem Chapel 1975 Preston CL=RB 1975-1981
Nelson, St George's Church, (Southworth) 1981 Preston AP306 1981-1992
Nelson, Trinity Methodist Chapel, Reedyford 1908 Preston CL=EA 1908-1974
Nelson, United Reform Church (Brunswick St) 1969 Preston AP271 1909-1984
Nelson, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (Railway Rd) 1908 Preston CL=AA 1908-1964
Nelson, Zion Primitive Methodist Chapel (Scotland Rd) 1900 Preston CL=DA 1900-1964
Old Laund Booth, Inghamite Church (Wheatley Lane) 1944 Preston AP242 1944-1983
Old Laund Booth, Methodist Chapel (Wheatley Lane) 1925 Preston AP241 1925-1987
Padiham, Baptist Church (Pendle St) 1966 Preston AP298 1966-1989
Padiham, Hall Hill Methodist Chapel 1949 Preston CL=K 1949
Padiham, Horeb Congregation Church (Victoria Rd) Closed Church 1900 Preston CL=J 1900-1927
Padiham, Methodist Chapel (Church St) Closed Church 1911 Preston CL=L 1911-1967
Padiham, Nazareth Chapel (Knight Hill) 1965 Preston AP247 1965-1982
Padiham, St John the Baptist RC Church 1981 Preston AP307 1981-1983
Padiham, St Philip the Apostle (Slade Lane) 1981 Preston AP309 1981-1982
Padiham, Trinity Methodist Church (Cross Bank) 1910 Preston AP261 1910-1982
Trawden, Methodist School Chapel 1912 Preston CL=KA 1912-1937
Trawden, Methodist School Chapel (formerly Bethel Chapel, Colne Rd) 1914 Preston CL=FA 1914-1960
Worsthorne, Methodist Chapel 1910 Preston CL=QB 1910-1981

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